September 16, 2020
This carousel makes the most out of css-snap to give the swipe that native feel. It came with a lot of headaches, as I had to rebuild it 3 times!
The carousel seems very straightforward at first, but there’s actually a lot happening.
CSS transitions are expensive if you’re not careful. They get expensive fast. Building this carousel that contains a lot of moving parts while minimizing expensive computations (ie preventing reflows and relayouts) was a real challenge. I enjoyed it very much!
I am proud of this one. I took a lot of learnings from the carousel project and applied it here. I also implemented my own virtual list! Existing solutions exist but I needed something that was more tailored for our onboarding.
I chose to build my own virtual lists because the circumstances in which our onboarding was to be used was very specific. It's a key part of our customer onboarding experience and I wanted to reduce the amount of “unknowns” that exists in our codebase. (Though you can say this for pretty much all of the things I build). Also, I had never built my own virtual list before so it was a fun undertaking!
Not going to go through any more detail as the graphic illustrates it all! I am very pleased to be able to virtually render multiple infinite lists of providers. The experience can be better, since I feel having a search function on each list will greatly increase user experience. I’ll have to talk to our designer about that.
A simple one. I was given a day to play with any library I desired. I chose react-spring haven’t tinkered with vectors since my last stint as a designer but I was pretty happy with what I came up with!
This is the only project I’ve put time into outside of my dayjob. It’s for a good friend back home! The idea started out with a simple brochure site to act as a menu, but one thing led to another and now you can order directly from the site!
Visit the website here.
Update: Bungalow has since built a different site. They needed a more solid back-end and went with Shopify which is great! I at the time wasn't able to help with any integration with Shopify.
The backend is powered by a barebones wordpress theme, with intentions of moving the entire thing into Shopify in the coming months. The front end uses the react-boilerplate and orders are handled by sendgrid sending receipts left and right. The entire thing is hosted on DigitalOcean and I had set up everything from the servers, continuous integration, all the to signing the SSL certificates myself.
It's the first time in a long time that I’ve built a full website! I miss that feeling! It’s also my first time trying a completely new architecture for the front-end via the react-boilerplate. Always nice to try different stuff!
While the last few months have been rough, I’ve started getting back at it. I’m currently watching Testing JavaScript with Kent C Dodds, and Ryan Chenkie’s course on React Security I haven’t really been learning much recently so these are pretty good courses to watch to get back into the groove of things.
I’m delving into Shopify theming since that's something I want to be doing a bit down the road. I'm trying to make a full move into TypeScript and I figure the best way to get the ball rolling with that is to rewrite this entire blog into TypeScript!
Lastly, I’d like to be writing more. Writing is hard, hence I should write more. I have a few topics in mind that I would like to write about. They revolve around CSS and design but nothing is really set in stone at this point!